Day 14 – Saturday May 22

Today we visited a Swiss cheese and chocolate factory. It is a local Friburgo tourist attraction. Of course I tried the chocolates and yes they were good. They had a little museum we went through and some different shops. From there we went to really cool place where this guy made sculptures out of dirt, coats them with a different type of dirt and a green floral grows on it. They call this guy Nego, and he has done some cool stuff. He was working on a drunken man when we were there. We got to meet him and get some pictures with him. He was telling us how he just starts working on something as it comes to him and that they can take up to two years to sculpt. From there it was off to lunch and then to our 24 hours of isolation. They took us to a farm where we would be on our own to rest, talk and work out anything we needed to. The owner was showing us around the place and also cooking dinner for us. I spotted chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk. I knew what I was going to be eating later or so I thought. The owner had her daughter along who had friends show up. Well, they ate all the cookies and drank the milk. We had plans to go out with the Brazilian GSE Team that night. We were hoping to meet as a group before we went out. We left around 8:30 the same time they finally left. Any ways, off we went with Wallace & Helen and Danielle. We went to a club, learned yet another new game of pool and Paul and I came out victorious 3-2. Good thing they scratched 3 times. We had a good time and headed back to the farm. Yee-Haw. See ya, See Ya, See Ya!

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